My good friend Dr. Jean-Pierre Brun and his colleague, Professor Cary Cooper CBE, have just co-written a great book called “Missing Pieces: 7 Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being and Organizational Effectiveness.”
I have never met Professor Cooper, but Jean-Pierre is an old friend. I first met him several years ago when he was a professor in the management department of the faculty of Science and Administration at Laval University in Quebec City. I was very impressed with his research.
In a nutshell, Jean-Pierre found that the absence of employee recognition is the second leading cause of workplace burnout and stress in the workplace.
Earlier this year, Jean-Pierre moved to Paris and became the Executive Director of Stimulus a company that specializes in understanding and reducing stress in the workplace as well as helping companies with change management.
Jean-Pierre sent me a draft copy of his new book several months ago. It speaks about the missing pieces of management. Simple things… like recognizing your employees. Supporting and respecting them. Helping them create a proper work life balance and other great advice that all too often managers overlook.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in recognition and engagement. It will help you create a better workplace.
You can now order his book Amazon.
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