Recyc-Québec's programme "ICI ON RECYCLE Level 3 Performance" requires a high standard of reducing, reusing and valuing waste. The level 3 certification especially entails a rigorous recycling procedure whereby 90.5% of the recyclable waste produced by Rideau is recycled.
There is still room for improvement but I am really happy our EcoAction team was recognized for all their efforts!
Marion Dulude heads up our EcoAction program and works with a dedicated team who meet regularly to pin point environmental initiatives that will make a difference.
Some of the projects we have completed:
- The complete elimination of water bottles at Rideau’s head office due to the installation of a complete water filtration system;
- The introduction of a Rideau garden at our corporate headquarters;
- The planting of trees with the support of local community initiatives;
- Introduction of Fair Trade coffee and sugar in the cafeteria as well as healthier fair trade snacks in vending machines;
- The complete elimination of styrofoam cups and plastic stir sticks throughout Rideau;
- The implementation of biodegradable cleaning products by the cleaning staff and use of ecologically friendly products in the washrooms;
Every Tuesday EcoAction holds a lunch time seminar on different topics of interest. The last one was on gardening. Attendees not only learned how to start a conventional garden but those without a backyard learned how to start a balcony garden.
The idea of this program is to educate and make all of us more responsible citizens.
From my perspective, they bring employees together for great causes and make Rideau a better company.
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