Dr. Brun is a professor in the management department of the faculty of Science and Administration at Laval University in Quebec City. He holds a Ph.D. in ergonomics and a M.Sc. in the sociology of work. He is Director of the Chair in Occupational Health and Safety Management and Co-director of the MBA programs. He has received the Hermès Award for Excellence in Research. He has also published numerous articles in scientific and trade journals and is a frequent guest speaker at conferences.
Rideau created an alliance with Jean-Pierre and the University a couple of years ago after he published research revealing that employee recognition had a significant impact on stress at work.
To be more specific, Dr. Brun found that the absence of employee recognition was the second leading cause of workplace stress and burnout.
When Jean-Pierre and I met up for dinner one night, I asked him if the absence of employee recognition causes burnout and workplace stress, could its presence reduce these illnesses?
His answer was “yes”!
I guess employee recognition really does keep the doctor away!
What do you think?
Recognition would be a good antidote to stress. I think people close to burnout don't often recognize this state in themselves and it is up to peers and supervisors to recognize this in them, let them know what they are seeing, and engage in conversations that creates connections and reduces the isolation often experienced in times of high stress.
David ~
Jean-Pierre's research has actually proved that recognition is an antidote to stress. Of course, managers and peers have to recognize the signs of stress so that they can give them the "recognition antidote".
DI go so far as saying that one of the biggest challenges is developing a caring, company wide EQ!
Great post! Job stress is estimated to cost the U.S. industry $300 billion a year in absenteeism, diminished productivity, employee turnover and direct medical, legal and insurance fees.
Employee recognition is one of the five categories of a psychologically healthy workplace. In addition to reducing stress, it can can increase employee satisfaction, morale, and help organizations lower turnover and increase productivity.
We have some more information about the importance of employee recognition, as well as how the other categories of a psychologically healthy workplace can affect stress, on our site. Feel free to check it out and let us know what you think! http://www.phwa.org/resources/creatingahealthyworkplace/
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