Mind you, not as bad as my brother Stephen when his drive on the 18th hit a lady having a drink in the club house. Stephen got a lawyer’s letter on that one!
But I digress…
A couple of months ago I got a call from my Bank Manager asking if I would be willing to act as the Honorary President of RBC’s Annual Montreal West Island Golf Tournament which takes place on June 9th, 2009 and supports local West Island charities.
My first reaction was “do I have to play”? Sadly, the answer was “yes”! But the cause is good and the need is great so I’m playing golf for the first time in many, many years.
Learn more about the RBC tournament.
If you would like to support the cause, contact:
Christian Kokorian, RBC Royal Bank, 514 630-5274
Raymond Chouinard, RBC Royal Bank, 514-874-6556
BTW… if you see some gophers running across the Beaconsfield golf course on June 9th, you will know I was visiting!