1. What does recognition look like around the world? Is it the same? How does it differ?
2. Do people in different countries, such as China, France, or Switzerland for example, have the same need to feel appreciated for their contributions at work? Or is a paycheck enough?
3. When recognizing employees in a way specific to their culture, should we also be concerned with delving deeper by recognizing multi-generational differences or does this not matter in the global community?
4. What is the greatest global challenge related to employee recognition? And the solution?
5. When your organization spans three continents how do you create a feeling of inclusion for all?
6. Do varying cultures acknowledge the importance of giving recognition to others? Or do they not accept this concept?
7. What are some recognition specific global best practices and metrics?
8. Do global measurement benchmarks exist that are constant no matter the culture or location? If not, how do measurement benchmarks differ internationally?
9. Do you have to train an employee differently in Paris, France than you do in Paris, Illinois? How does training differ internationally?
10. What are some creative ways to train a global workforce?
11. What are best practices in developing global communication plans?
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