There is one part of the Bible both theologians and scientists agree upon…
Acts 20:35: - It’s Better To Give Than Receive.Many have made these words part of their daily lives and now scientists have proven that when you help others, you help improve your own quality of life for a number of reasons.
First what goes around, comes around. If I give to you, chances are you’ll give back to me… it doesn’t matter whether it’s a holiday or birthday greeting card, flowers or a bottle of wine when you invite me to dinner.... chances are I’ll reciprocate not only because it’s expected but because it makes me feel good.
Scientists have proven “giving” helps enhance a person’s peace of mind by releasing certain chemicals into the brain that contribute to emotional well being. A study on patients with multiple sclerosis showed those who “helped” other MS patients improved their confidence, self-esteem and found their lives changed for the better. Giving has been proven to reduce stress and activate areas of the brain which are associated with positive feelings.
Recognition and giving go hand in hand. Every time you recognize someone with words or praise or appreciation you are actually “giving” back to the individual. It’s not only good for the recipient… it’s also bringing out positive emotions in you!
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