Her workshop, co-presented with Sarah Wuertz, CRP PHR, from the Arizona Department of Transportation, is entitled, “You're Spending our $'s on What?” It will show attendees the best way to get strategic about your recognition program to get full value for every dollar, so your program will stand up to public scrutiny.
Barbara is both the founder of STARS, and the first certified Recognition Professionals International (RPI) instructor authorized to teach all RPI Certified Recognition Professional® courses, in addition to the DEERS (Designing Effective Employee Recognition Strategies) curriculum. At the State of Arizona, Department of Economic Security, Barbara designed and implemented employee recognition systems for over 10,000 employees and her programs have served as models for both public and private sector organizations.
Both presenters are going to be sharing their experiences and are going to help attendees "design and implement a recognition strategy that is financially efficient and with positive perception."
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