Beginning on February 23rd, my colleagues Roy Saunderson, President and Founder of RMI and S. Max Brown, VP of Organizational Learning, will be co-hosting Voice of America’s newest weekly radio show: Real Recognition Radio.
Real Recognition Radio is going to go back to what recognition is really all about. They’re going to help make better people and create more positive relationships. They’ll be looking at what’s new and exciting in the field of employee rewards, recognition and incentives. They’ll also talk to people who have lived successes and failures to help the audience learn what works and what doesn’t.
The show’s first installment will be featuring Brenna Garratt as their first guest. Brenna Garratt is a member of Rideau Recognition Solutions’ board of directors and CEO of The Delve Group, Inc. Brenna has been instrumental in working with Senior Executives to reshape and reposition existing brands, as well as invent, position and promote new ones so they are correctly understood internally and externally in their respective marketplaces.
Having been active in both the recognition field and marketing, Brenna will be discussing the importance of marketing and communication within your recognition program so your program touches your employees and achieves the goals you intended it to.
The show premiers February 23rd, and will air every Tuesday at 1 PM ET. Tune in on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel!
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