Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ask the Experts

Looking for more information on recognition? In the Janury edition of Incentive Magazine’s “Ask the Experts,” my colleagues Michelle Smith, Dee Hansford, Kevin Cronin and I answer the following questions:

  • What is a good New Years recognition resolution?
  • Last month, your column discussed the high percentage of employees intending to change jobs in 2010. What can I do to prevent my staff from leaving?
  • A recent 360-degree feedback survey of my staff, my peers, and my boss indicates that I need to do some work in the area of recognition. I’m not sure how to begin.
  • What are the key elements of a performance recognition program?
My contribution dealt with the last question. Find out how to get the very best out of your employees here!

Do you have any other recognition questions? Drop me a note in the blog’s comment section below!