One of them was Barbara Ruddy!
I’m sure I wasn’t the only person at the conference who wished it could have gone on longer. That was because of Barbara. She was the Conference Chair and her hospitality and organization made it a memorable experience for me and many others!
At the time Barbara was working for the State of Arizona’s Department of Economic Security. She had designed and implemented an employee recognition system for more than 10,000 employees!
Barbara is very involved in Recognition Professionals International. She acts as the Chairperson for the prestigious Recognition Champion Award program in honor of her dear friend Pamela Sabin. Over the years Barbara served on RPI’s Executive and Advisory Boards. She was also the first certified instructor authorized to teach all RPI Certified Recognition Professional® courses. This year Barbara won RPI’s Spotlight Award which honors her recognition career and the activities that she has done to improve RPI and its mission.
Over the years our friendship grew and it is with no small measure of pride that I was so pleased to see her join Roy Saunderson and his team at the Recognition Management Institute.
I know that Barbara will continue to teach and help others understand what Real Recognition is really about!
Welcome to our family Barbara!
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